So it seems to be a reoccurring issue that not only am I late at posting my Thankful Thursday blogs but also late to pretty much wherever I go most of the time. I'm gonna go ahead and just say it takes me usually 15min to get all my and brynlee's stuff ready to put in the car, actually put in the car, put her in the car, I usually run back in the house because I forgot something, then get myself in the car and go. Just saying..gimme a break. :-)
- Even though i haven't had to use it in a while I'm thankful for the HOV lane. With out you my oh so favorite lane I would never make up speed/time when I am running late.
- I'm thankful for my grandparents. (I'll go into detail in my next post)
- Playing in the kiddie pool in our back yard with my baby girl. I just love it!
- For the way things are now falling together with the wedding.
- The song Hallelujah by Kate Voegele. I'm aspire to sing that just as well as her one day.
- For the way God has changed my perception of life. Most of the time I find myself looking at the good side of everything and feeling grateful everyday. Which is unlike the old me because I was a very realistic (which other people would consider pessimistic) person.
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