Monday, August 22, 2011

Mom Truth

This was such a blessing to me this morning to see when I woke up. Not only have I experienced this question from single friends both in a positive curious way but also negative. 

Here's my extra commentary. Friends, don't judge us when our lives go from text mania to silent mode. If we are a first time mom, cut us some slack, heck even offer to help out, come over, and then if it's our time your really searching for you'll get it. 

When your a first time mom, your still trying to find your groove to make your day run smoother. But the funny thing is once you've found it BAM..your child is now a different age and now needing different things. 

Not only do we do the daily things you do, and the things you do and we don't, we make up for it in the things we have to do for our children. See its not just about feeding, diapers, and playing, No, no. It's way more. We want our children to be successful, bright, happy, and we've now learned that what we do today for and with our babies shapes their tomorrow. So yes, we might not pick up the phone when you call sometimes, but did you ever think it was because we were going over flash cards, reading books, taking them on walks explaining everything around you to them like you're seeing it for the first time as well, zoo trips etc. Not only do we do these things but in the meanwhile but like she said above keeping them from pulling books off the shelf, from throwing a fit, keeping them from arms reach to pull a jar of spaghetti sauce off the shelf at the store. 

Man my arms have gained strength in the past year! Carrying an overpack diaper bag on one shoulder, keys in the other hand (and trying to keep my daughter from grabbing them), and 25lbs of child in both arms. And thats if I don't have anything extra! HA extra! 

All I'm saying is don't judge us. Like right now, yes i had a free min to write, but thats because this is my lucky one day out of three months that my daughter slept late and I'd like to express my mind in an adult fashion before I have to go back to "everything is exciting, smiley face, over exaggerated voice mode". 

While you interact with the adult world we have to find a more creative and manageable way to express ourselves and grow while singing barney and counting our 1,2,3's.

If anything moms are asking our single friends to just understand. 
Just know that in any situation, we don't know what its like for you and you don't know what its like for us. It's different for every person. And the most annoying this is to compare lives. Don't give me a list of things you do all day and compare it to the things I do. Thats like trying to similarities of a strawberry to an apple. There's no point. 

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