Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thankful Thursday!!!!

I love me some Thursdays! 

Its like when you're running a race about a mile from the finish line, your favorite jam comes on, your beating your previous time...and yep you've got this your gonna finish strong

Its the day before lets get to it!

I'm thankful for my Fiancé's prayers. It used to bug me when people would say "I'm praying for you" When I hadn't mentioned anything in particular needing to be prayed for. To me it felt like...pity. I'M SO WRONG. Luckily, Dalton has shown me it's so much more than that. And I'm so glad he has prayed for me and that one was about our handling our wedding, becasue today EVERYTHING about our wedding came into one big picture in my head. Every little detail. LOVE IT! Now im over flowing with ideas!

When the mama bear is needed. As much as I hate to see my little bumble bee upset I can't help but just love the feeling I get when I am the one who can soothe her pain or dry her tears. Plus it gives me an excuse sometimes to just hold and rock my baby to sleep :-)

For my dry cleaner lady helping me load, unload, hold Brynlee etc while I'm getting our dry cleaning items out of the car when it's 100+ degrees.

The days where I eat 6 microwaved s'mores (thanks Cindy Goodyear for the tip) and I just don't care. Because they're campfire good without the fire and with all the chocolate-y goodness I will eat ALL SIX.... and then workout the next day... but it's so worth it. 

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